Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am probably going to regret this!!!

I can see some differences in these pictures, but it is hard to tell since they are taken at different zoom levels on the camera.

If you need assistance finding the differences, look near my waist, at my arms, and my face. Don't mind the cheesy grin in the first one; I was laughing at the thought of a before picture when she snapped the picture! The picture on the left was taken in July, 2008. The picture on the right was taken in March 2009.

My journey continues to be an up and down battle. I have been sick off and on, injured off and on, had sick children, lived through the holidays and so on. It is called LIFE and everyone lives it everyday! It isn't an excuse! The one constant: I haven't given up! Is this taking longer than I would have liked? Absolutely!!! Is it hard to stay motivated day in and day out? Most definitely!!! Would I go back to being my couch potato self and gain back the 28 pounds I have lost? NO WAY!!!

The point is that it is hard! It takes commitment! It shifts your focus from everyone else to you! But it is so worth getting up and the morning and having energy. It is fun to make my abs sore so that I can see results! It is worth it for me and my health. It is worth it for my kids and the habits that I am teaching them. My 1 1/2 year old eats salads with me. She loves lettuce, carrots, apples, bananas, and so on! The boys are eating better and exercising.

The best thing I did in the last couple of weeks: I started watching Biggest Loser. I am addicted to that show. I watch it every Tuesday night, and I watch the repeats on the Style Network. If those people who weigh a lot more than I did when I started can do it, then what is my excuse? If they can make a marked difference in their life, why can't I? The hardest part to any of it is just to start!

The other thing that has made a difference is I changed my diet up again. I am following Paula's Bikini Body Diet. It is 50% protein, 30% fruit/veggies, 20% good fats at each meal. Then you have proteins and/or fruits/veggies for snacks. You still eat 5-6 times per day. You cut out all processed food, sugar, carbonated drinks, and bad carbs like potatoes and bread. You eat one whole grain serving each day...Thank God for Brown Rice and whole wheat bread!

I have been eating a salad with every meal! I love lettuce! And for those that know me this will be a shocker, but I have given up table salt! The most table salt I have had in my mouth in weeks was saltwater yesterday to get rid of a sore throat! Even season salt has gone by the wayside! It has been a gradual shift away from Diet Coke, salt, processed foods, and so on. I couldn't have ever given up these things cold turkey, all at once.

And I have made myself accountable! I have my blog. I have my trainer. I have my dear friend who I workout with! I have the support of my family. It is easy to diet/exercise and not care if you quit or gain 10 pounds when no one is looking. Try it when EVERYONE knows! Try it when people know you have been going to a trainer. Try it when you post your weight online. It makes the will and determination that much stronger torwards success!!!

Have a great TAX DAY!!! I hope you all have finished them and didn't procrastinate! And remember today is just as good of a day to start making healthy choices as January 1st is!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, admit that it's hard to see the difference, I hope that you'll follow through with you weight loss until you are satisfied...and then sustain it! YAY
