Monday, July 20, 2009


That is how I feel! My whole world seems to be completely scattered!

I am working right now to rebuild my website. I have done countless hours of research because I am thinking that I might dabble in web desgin on a limited scale in addition to my VA practice. It is still something I am playing around with, but it interests me, so we will just wait and see!

The house is in such a state right now that it so very well depicts the way I feel. It is a mess! I am so glad people don't have a window into my house. They get a window into my world through this blog, but thank goodness it ends there. It will get better; Kevin has been helping out which has been great! He can't do much with it being so hot and dry. That has given me time to refocus; now if I could use it to become really productive, we would be onto something!

My weight loss has taken the path of everything else. Harvest hours really screwed me up. And I have found that taking almost three weeks off can really effect your routine and whether you are motivated to do it or not. I had worked out off and on, but nothing hard core or consistent in the last two months! I have only gained three pounds, but that was enough for me to get up, tie the shoes on, and hop on the elliptical this morning. I aired up the BOSU ball and worked my abs, and plan on doing legs and arms tomorrow in addition to elliptical work. I also was more careful today about what I ate.

What a journey this has been! It is just proof positive that it is never ending juggling act! As my fitness and weight are only one part of it. There are my children, my husband, my work, my housework, my volunteering obligations, the kids' school, and so on. It is what everyone else has and it is called LIFE!

The way I see it right now, I have two options: I can let LIFE win and continue to workout every other week haphazardly OR I can make time for my fitness, health and needs and let MY LIFE win out and live happy and fulfilled because I am taking care of all parts of me! Man that is a hard choice! NOT! I will be getting up tomorrow and exercising again! And the next day and so on! I choose ME!!

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